Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well I did end up making the dance company I auditioned for! We have begun taking technique classes and rehearsal in preparation for the show we are having in May. It has been such a blessing because I just feel more like myself when I’m dancing! Its a way I feel freedom and it’s a mode of expression for me . It’s one of the things I love to do the most in life!

And this year I have entered a new depth of my dancing because I am learning how to listen to the Holy Spirit as I am dancing and to dance as He is leading. I will be honest, this has not been easy for me because I grew up dancing to choreography… someone would tell me what steps to dance and I would do them. I was always a bit scared of free-style dancing or creative movement (which is simply movement on the spot that hasn’t been previously choreographed) because I would worry that I couldn’t “think” of steps to dance. But, God has been teaching me that its so much more about what is already inside of me. The beginning of movement comes from what is in our hearts. It doesn’t have to be pretty or technically perfect, because it’s an honest expression of something deeper on the inside. That has been the foundation to my learning this year about dance. When I dance with God’s leading I am listening to the words, pictures, or feelings He is placing in me. That was a small rabbit trail, but it has been so impacting to me this year.

This past week I painted on stage during worship. If you are not familiar with Bethel, let me explain; during worship in some of the services there are a few artists who stand on the side of the stage and paint. It is simply another form of worship to God.

I was pretty nervous about doing this because, well, I haven’t painted much in my life, at all! I really just started painting this year. I also realized that I really just cared too much about what people thought of my work (we paint during our school worship time in front of our whole class of 700). I knew that me actually stepping on stage and painting would be a powerful weapon in getting rid of that fear. And I really felt like it did just that! Painting as worship is much more about our affections being turned towards God instead of what our painting actually looks like!

I just shared two stories of breakthrough for me in the arts. I think its cool how God has really created us all so differently and that we each relate to Him in different ways. How I relate to God doesn't have to look the same as how you relate to God! That is just so refreshing! 

These are two pictures that my friend, Claudia took during the service.