Hey my wonderful friends and family!
I hope you all are doing great and that you are starting to enjoy Spring weather!
Well I can't believe tomorrow I leave for England on my mission trip! I will leave tomorrow the 13th and come back Monday the 23rd. I think most of you know this, but I am going with a group of 11 other students and leaders from Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry. We will be ministering to a few churches around the London area, as well as the community. At the end of our trip we will be hosting a prophetic arts conference! We will be equipping the local church for ministry through the arts, prophecy and prayer for healing.
My team and I NEED PRAYER these next ten days! I would love for you to join in this trip with me and praying each day.....your prayers are powerful and effective (James 5:16, 2 Corinthians 5:21)!
Here are some things we would like prayer for:
*Unity among the team
*Never ending joy!
*God's anointing and favor on all our words and actions
*Servants hearts and attitudes
*Open doors to minister
*Demonstrations of God's great love
*Demonstrations of God's spirit and power
*Revival to break out wherever we go
*Revival to break out on strategic people who will sustain and spread it throughout England
*People to be set free
*People to encounter God
*Miracles, signs and wonders.
*Extravagant favor with people, pastors, and leaders
*Boldness to step out
*God's protection from sickness and harm
*No jetlag/safety as we travel
*To be a blessing and gift to my team and the people in England
Thank you so much for your prayers, support and love for me! I am overwhelmed daily at how blessed I am with such an amazing support base of people who deeply care about me. I am so thankful for each of you, seriously!
I love you all! Many many blessings!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Well I did end up making the dance company I auditioned for! We have begun taking technique classes and rehearsal in preparation for the show we are having in May. It has been such a blessing because I just feel more like myself when I’m dancing! Its a way I feel freedom and it’s a mode of expression for me . It’s one of the things I love to do the most in life!
And this year I have entered a new depth of my dancing because I am learning how to listen to the Holy Spirit as I am dancing and to dance as He is leading. I will be honest, this has not been easy for me because I grew up dancing to choreography… someone would tell me what steps to dance and I would do them. I was always a bit scared of free-style dancing or creative movement (which is simply movement on the spot that hasn’t been previously choreographed) because I would worry that I couldn’t “think” of steps to dance. But, God has been teaching me that its so much more about what is already inside of me. The beginning of movement comes from what is in our hearts. It doesn’t have to be pretty or technically perfect, because it’s an honest expression of something deeper on the inside. That has been the foundation to my learning this year about dance. When I dance with God’s leading I am listening to the words, pictures, or feelings He is placing in me. That was a small rabbit trail, but it has been so impacting to me this year.
This past week I painted on stage during worship. If you are not familiar with Bethel, let me explain; during worship in some of the services there are a few artists who stand on the side of the stage and paint. It is simply another form of worship to God.
I was pretty nervous about doing this because, well, I haven’t painted much in my life, at all! I really just started painting this year. I also realized that I really just cared too much about what people thought of my work (we paint during our school worship time in front of our whole class of 700). I knew that me actually stepping on stage and painting would be a powerful weapon in getting rid of that fear. And I really felt like it did just that! Painting as worship is much more about our affections being turned towards God instead of what our painting actually looks like!
I just shared two stories of breakthrough for me in the arts. I think its cool how God has really created us all so differently and that we each relate to Him in different ways. How I relate to God doesn't have to look the same as how you relate to God! That is just so refreshing!
These are two pictures that my friend, Claudia took during the service.
These are two pictures that my friend, Claudia took during the service.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
from november
here is a blog entry that Jason Vallotton (one of the pastors over my school) wrote back in November. I know its a little late, but I still feel like it is an important word:
I cant figure out how to copy and paste from other websites, so just click on this link and you will see it. It's entitled "Heart of our Father"
i'm back
hey everyone.
so, as you know, it has been quite a while since I have posted. But, I'm going to try again to be more present in my blog because I know this is a way that some of you keep up with what I'm doing.
Some updates: I'm going with 15 other students from Bethel in March to southern England for a mission trip! We will be equipping and encouraging churches in cities just outside of London and we will be putting on a prophetic arts conference at the end of our trip. I'm super pumped, England is a place I have always wanted to go to and I also get to apply what I have been learning these past few months by sharing it with the people there. I would love any prayer for me and for our team as we prepare to leave for London on March 15-23.
I had a wonderful visit to the South for the CHristmas break. It was such a joy and blessing to get to see my family and some of my friends. I miss all of you! To those who I saw, thank you for hanging out, encouraging me, praying for me, inspiring me and blessing me! I really am so blessed by all of the awesome people that are a part of my life!
I will be auditioning tomorrow for a few dance opportunities through Bethel Church and the dance studio. As you know, dancing is something I am very passionate about and something I want to continue pursuing in my life. I will let ya'll know how the auditions go.
Well thanks for reading! Much love, Lacie
Friday, September 26, 2008
week two.
Hello all!
Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for my brother! He is feeling much better and passed his physical test this morning (which is a really big deal!)...Praise Jesus! My mom and dad are visiting him this weekend, so that will be good for them to spend time together. Continue to pray for favor for Rob with the upper classmen and staff at the Citadel.
As for me, well, I finished week two of school, and I love it so so much! I attend school everyday with around 700 other students from all walks of life. Its kinda like attending a conference every day. There are students from all over the world (just about every state in America, South Africa, England, Norway, Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Canada), as well as students of all ages (17 to men and women in their 70s! ) I love the diversity of our class; we all come from different backgrounds but we each have a common desire to know more of God and to see His kingdom come to earth!
Most of our teaching is done together in the large group. We are also broken up into groups of about 70-75 called revival groups. Within each group we have a pastor and three interns. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my revival group, God really placed me in the most perfect group. We will be meeting in this group 1-2 times a week and we also have parties and a retreat with our revival group. My revival group pastor and interns especially love the arts and God speaking through creative ways. They also place great emphasis on family and building relationships, which is so important to me and is a part of ministry I am use to in coming from the Wesley Foundation.
Oh, they are starting Bethel studio dance classes for the first time this year!! So I signed up to take a modern 2 class, those start in two weeks!
These past two weeks have already been challenging and stretching, and I know that will happen in a greater way as the year really gets going. God is exposing things in my own heart and mind that I really didn't know were there....mostly about having a religious mindset. I am learning, as basic as this sounds, to enjoy just worshiping Him and receiving HIs love, because everything else must stem from those two things.
I will stop for now. But I would love to hear from you! You can always e-mail me at lacie.ingram@gmail.com
Much love! Lacie
P.S.---I changed the comment settings so that anyone can comment on the blog now. So, you don't have to have a blog or g-mail account to comment!
Friday, September 19, 2008

Hey everyone!
So I have started school and well, its so amazing.....I will post about it next. But, I first wanted to ask you guys to pray for my brother Rob. Rob is a freshman at a military college in South Carolina called the Citadel. This is a very challenging school not only mentally and academically, but also physically, and spiritually.
He has been having severe sinus infections for most of his life and has been through 3 surgeries in an attempt to get relief from these infections. He started getting sick this past week and his sickness is getting worse. He told my dad that this coming week is a huge week for him in his academics and in the physical training.
Our family is trying to get as many people as possible to pray for Rob over this next week.
First of all, pray for the complete healing of his sinuses. Psalm 103:2-3 says, "Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- who forgives ALL your sins and HEALS ALL your diseases. " I believe that God is a healer, I have heard many testimonies of him healing broken bones, diseases, etc...He is victorious and we can pray in confidence of HIs ability to bring restoration to us physically.
Second, we can have strength because God is full of strength! This is the verse my Dad wanted us to speak/pray over Rob: "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze" Psalm 18:32-34
Lastly, God is love. GOd cares about my brother a lot, more than I can even fathom. I know that HIs Word says "in all things God works for the good of those who love HIm."-Romans 8:28. God is so so so great that He is using every single thing that my brother is going through for his good!
Thank you so much for your prayers for Rob, you can pray in faith (in any situation, not just this one) that the living God hears you and is faithful!
Love you all!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
the falls
It is He who made the earth by His power,
Who established the world by His wisdom,
And by His understanding He stretched out the heavens.
When He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens,
And He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth;
He makes lightning for the rain
And brings forth the wind from His storehouse.
Jeremiah 51:15-16
I went to Burney Falls today (about an hour from Redding). It seriously was breathtaking. I stood staring at the falls in awe of God's beautiful creation. The water was so powerful that you could feel a mist as it hit the river. He's so much bigger and better than we think He is. I just kept thinking about that the whole time.
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