Hello all!
Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for my brother! He is feeling much better and passed his physical test this morning (which is a really big deal!)...Praise Jesus! My mom and dad are visiting him this weekend, so that will be good for them to spend time together. Continue to pray for favor for Rob with the upper classmen and staff at the Citadel.
As for me, well, I finished week two of school, and I love it so so much! I attend school everyday with around 700 other students from all walks of life. Its kinda like attending a conference every day. There are students from all over the world (just about every state in America, South Africa, England, Norway, Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Canada), as well as students of all ages (17 to men and women in their 70s! ) I love the diversity of our class; we all come from different backgrounds but we each have a common desire to know more of God and to see His kingdom come to earth!
Most of our teaching is done together in the large group. We are also broken up into groups of about 70-75 called revival groups. Within each group we have a pastor and three interns. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my revival group, God really placed me in the most perfect group. We will be meeting in this group 1-2 times a week and we also have parties and a retreat with our revival group. My revival group pastor and interns especially love the arts and God speaking through creative ways. They also place great emphasis on family and building relationships, which is so important to me and is a part of ministry I am use to in coming from the Wesley Foundation.
Oh, they are starting Bethel studio dance classes for the first time this year!! So I signed up to take a modern 2 class, those start in two weeks!
These past two weeks have already been challenging and stretching, and I know that will happen in a greater way as the year really gets going. God is exposing things in my own heart and mind that I really didn't know were there....mostly about having a religious mindset. I am learning, as basic as this sounds, to enjoy just worshiping Him and receiving HIs love, because everything else must stem from those two things.
I will stop for now. But I would love to hear from you! You can always e-mail me at lacie.ingram@gmail.com
Much love! Lacie
P.S.---I changed the comment settings so that anyone can comment on the blog now. So, you don't have to have a blog or g-mail account to comment!
Hey Lacie! The Bethel school sounds amazing and I am really excited for you.
I've been having my own journey uncovering that whole religious mindset thing....I didn't really know that was what was happening this whole last year in Charlotte...but I'm starting to understand. It took being broken-down some , as most good things do.
I'm glad God has placed you amongst people w/ hearts for creativity. God is good like that. I'm realizing more and more how important creative community is for myself..and all creative people.
I love you and miss you and am looking forward to reading more about your life in redding!
<3 Kristina Boothe
Lace, I'm so excited for you! It sounds like you're having a great time and I'm glad I get to read about it! Love you!
check out the new pics of fields on our blog...especially the outfit he is sporting in the last one! THANKS SO MUCH - it is so 'lacie!'
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